Monthly Newsletter

The Senior Citizens Day Respite Centre, we provide a Monthly Issue of our Newsletter to all of our Guests. This publication clearly outlines a monthly proposed programme of activities that will be happening at the Centre during the month.  The Newsletter also highlights special events, such as Birthday Celebrations and anniversaries that have occurred during the month, important information, recipes and numerous photos will also be found in this publication. Our Company’s Newsletter is worthy reading,  please take the time to click on the following links to view our latest Newsletter Issues to get up to speed with what has been going on at the Senior Citizens Day Respite Centre.

June Newsletter 2016

July Newsletter 2016

August Newsletter 2016

September Newsletter 2016

October Newsletter 2016

November Newsletter 2016

December Newsletter 2016


January Newsletter 2017

February Newsletter 2017

March Newsletter 2017

April Newsletter 2017

May Newsletter 2017

June Newsletter 2017